Interested in Becoming a Juvenile Justice Commissioner?
Vacancies occur from time to time on the Juvenile Justice Commission. We welcome volunteers willing and able to make a four-year commitment to serve on the Commission.
Attendance at monthly meetings is required and additional assignments will normally take from 4-10 hours of your time monthly.
Commission members are charged with the responsibility of inspecting the facilities that house dependent and delinquent youth in our county and assuring that the residents are safe and treated fairly.
Persons who have an interest or are concerned with the welfare of youth in the Juvenile Justice System are encouraged to apply for membership. Youth members between the ages of 14-21 are also welcome to apply. See the application form.
Oath of Confidentiality
Recognizing that all Juvenile Court matters are confidential, each Commissioner is required to sign an oath of confidentiality upon taking the oath of office. Commissioners agree to keep Commission matters, juvenile records, cases observed, investigation specifics, and inspection reports confidential prior to their approval and release. In addition, Commissioners agree to use the authority of the Commission only in the interest of the youth of the County, and to use discretion, diligence, and integrity in conducting the business of the Commission.